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Full-length Kundalini Yoga Classes:

Runtime: 76min

Balancing the Glandular Systems

For thousands of years people have explored the edges of consciousness, and its the same story now, diving into the infinite pool of consciousness that we live in continually. Yet we forget that we are surrounded by infinity on all sides. The idea of yoga is to consciously cross that barrier and ultimately die in this life but be alive, so you’re not only crossing over the threshold between sleep and wakefulness your crossing over the threshold between life and death.

Runtime: 65min

Feeling that Swinging of Consciousness

Make this body cave a receptacle for the inner light. How do you make yourself beautiful and pure enough that you may be worthy of a visit of that consciousness. It’s a procedure, it’s a karmic path and wherever you are in that karmic path you’re here now in this class, and that’s a blessing. The information that’s being transmitted here is invaluable. And each breath that you take, as long and deep as it is, you’re feeling the whole universe entering wah guru, your feeling that whole being, every being, inhaling wah exhaling guru.

Runtime: 59min

Becoming the Vibration of Sat Nam True Identity

The third center, the solar plexus, is the center of consciousness to manipulate the material world. It allows you control over your body, it allows your nervous system to be strong enough to handle the energy. And remember the only thing that this universe ever asks you is, have you had enough, do you want more? And when you say uncle, when you get scared or tired, then the universe slacks off and lets you take that pass. But if you are able to keep up, and are strong and push yourself just a little, then you have the chance for growth and to become more than your essence that your born with, the chance to become that infinite being.

Runtime: 87min

The Technology of Yoga

This is an energizing class from Kundalini Live focused on the bandhas, or body locks. These locks direct the prana and apana, the generative and eliminating energies. With continuing, deepening practice of the bandhas, the body systems are cleansed, restored, and refined through this circulation of kundalini energy.

Runtime: 75min

Stabilizing the Material Plane

If you follow the analogy that we are individual operating systems tuning into the greater flow of energy that’s the main server, you can call it God, or you can call it the overwhelming consciousness itself. The idea is that we tune ourselves in to allow this flow of consciousness to come thru us, to be a part of us, without getting in the way, without tainting it, without changing it, without owning it but letting it flow within ourselves. And this flow of consciousness which is ultimately us, becomes the beauty and grace of this human archetype.

Runtime: 55min

Having the Tools for Interdimensional Consciousness

Kundalini yoga is a powerful tool for self discovery and expands our view of the ultimate horizon. It is from this perspective that we see our role in the world is one of honoring and serving those around us. By energizing ourselves through the breath of fire and by redirecting our core power up to our heart center and above, we become empowered to live a joyous life of spiritual growth through compassion and giving.

Runtime: 64min

Find that Place Deep Within Yourself of Witness Consciousness

Find the place within yourself that’s very still. Your sitting deep inside watching your breath becoming very long and deep. Your observing from this place, way inside, watching this body, being aware of the swirling of energy around you, sitting very peacefully and very consciously watching your breath. Go deep within and find that place of rest, almost asleep but your there and very conscious. Just between the breaths, try to slip in there.

Runtime: 62min

If You Keep Your Intent Pure the Universe Has to Serve You

You are all Gods and Goddesses and you have power over the universe. But the truth is, that its all grace, because the intent of consciousness itself is always trying to express itself thru you and all of us. Otherwise we wander around in the lower centers of consciousness, energy dissipates, and life becomes a dream. But the intent and the intensity of your experience is what makes the difference. Without that intensity, of yearning, of longing, you fall back into the dream. Very few wake up and have the intent of consciousness, so make it your intent to be awake.

Runtime: 84min

Enlightenment is a Choice

Pursuing enlightenment is a choice we make before we come to class. One born of personal commitment and service to each other. Kundalini Yoga is a valuable tool and powerful support system for personal exploration and spiritual growth. Join teacher Kirantana as he employs kundalini and the element of fire in tonight's class

Runtime: 69min

Gathering Life Force

By quieting your mind and giving a direction by tuning into a frequency of consciousness, this becomes your life, this becomes your Sadhana and it becomes automatic. You train yourself over a period of time and your discipline becomes automatic. This is how you live your life, and this is called Aradhana. This means you have control over the energy in this body, you’re not distracted you’re not tempted, but you’re appreciative and you’re the driver of this vehicle, in full control.

Runtime: 62min

The Heart Center, A Cyclone of Energy from Within

Inhale. Hold the breath. Aad Guray Nameh, the primal light within. Sat, true, Siri, forever infinite, that teaching that comes down within. Exhale please. Inhale deep, Have the hands at the heart center. Hold the breath. Go within now and visualize this energy coming. Base of your spine, sitting in this cycle of energy. Being drawn upwards into the light, hold the breath. Right through the heart center. All this spinning energy and you’re sitting right in the center. Perfectly beautifully, being drawn upward. Effortlessly. And exhale.

Runtime: 62min

If You Focus on the Outside Your Life is a Dream

When you gain control of the thought waves of the mind the inner dialogue no longer has control over you, because you’re focused on the inner light. The inner light is the guru for everyone. There’s no magic person, the wizard of Oz is just that. You must find your own light. We all share the compassion to bring that possibility to each other. Otherwise we just live at each other, we struggle, our egos get in the way and life is hard. But with that inner light it doesn’t matter if you live in a cave because that light illuminates everything.

Runtime: 76min

Subduing the Ego

Ego is the basic operating system for your mind. You must have an ego, you must have a self-awareness and you must also have an operating system that works for your karma; your social obligations for this life. You also must train your ego, because as a yogi, you realize that the ego is not you, its just the framework that your mind works in to control this body. The more words that are said, the more must be said. Words themselves create the reality because they’re sound vibrations, they create a matrix of consciousness. But beyond that matrix of consciousness is who you are. So, you must learn how to program your mind. For us we’ll use the English language for the most part. We’ll also use mantras from this culture and other cultures. A mantra is just a sound vibration that reprograms the mind.

Runtime: 65min

On the Heart Center

You take all this energy, this passion, this life force, and you bring into heart center, then you share it with the entire creation. Everything you meet, every person you meet, it all becomes your family. Everything becomes the beloved because that’s the state of consciousness the heart represents. As a lover you have to have that feeling, that possibility, that you’re going to meet your creator just between the breaths. That’s the state of consciousness the you have to have to be a yogi. You have to have that heart center opened.


Having that Space of Consciousness to Observe From

We always work on the body and the breath. We also work on the applications of your operating system and we work on the personality itself. The idea is that you create a personality that’s pleasing to the universe and pleasing to yourself, that’s very transparent, yet very strong, and that becomes the symbol of consciousness. That inner light becomes so viable in your own being that nothing else matters, it becomes so radiant in yourself that that’s all you want to see, and then you start to see that in everyone you meet. That kind of energy, when it flows, is heaven on earth. This is what creates the heart center.

Runtime: 66min

Sonic Healing

Yoga to break down barriers of the past. Ride the sound current to that place between the conscious and the unconscious. Mantra translation: Gobinday, one who sustains us, Mukhunday, one who liberates us, Udharay, one who uplifts us, Aparay, who is infinite, Hariung, who does everything, Kariung, for which grace everything is done, Nirnamay, nameless, desireless, Akamay, is by itself.

Runtime: 69min

Having Access to Your Inner Light

The infinitely big and the infinitely small are the polarities you must exist in. Very small ego but very large consciousness. It requires sacrifice, but the rewards of that sacrifice are infinite. What created this personality that is you? What are you holding on to, what fears what hopes? What are you afraid of losing, what are you afraid of gaining? You must be aware. You can’t surrender to everything and yet you must surrender to everything. In this mountain analog of consciousness that we’re climbing, that path is always receding, the destination gets farther away as you get closer. And hopefully with just the right amount of luck and consciousness, you’ll just trick yourself into it, and you’ll slip across that border, and you’ll be there, and who you’ll meet is yourself, your infinite light consciousness.

Runtime: 70min

Virtue is the Light of Consciousness within each Being

These flow poses teaching kundalini create power and happiness within, which is natural. Kundalini live yoga workshops allow anyone anywhere to practice yoga, and to experience peace while sitting in yoga classes online.

Runtime: 101min

Mantra Yoga Long Ek Ong Kars

The mantra is Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru. The meaning is “One creator created this creation. Truth is His Name. Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom.” This mantra has many names including “Morning Call”, and “Long Ek Ong Kars". This mantra engages the Kundalini energy and creates a connection between our soul and the Universal Soul. You can extend this chant to up to 2 1/2 hours. In this class basic warmup start off the class then appox one hour of Long Ek Ong Kars followed by Gong and wahe gurus.

Runtime: 59min

Conscious Healing

Change is the only universal constant. Consciousness unlocks and directs vast stores of healing life energy as the unconscious blocks we've carefully placed in our way give way. Health is achieved by strengthening and improving our connection to the life energy, peace, compassion and love that surrounds each and every one of us.

Runtime: 64min

What Matters is Your Concentration on the Breath

The aspect of yoga is to quiet the thought waves of the mind. You can do that with drugs, and you can do that with many things, but the idea is quieting the thought waves consciously with your own self will, which is beyond the mind itself. And following that train into that quite part of your mind, to go through the space between the conscious and the super conscious, between the dream state and the astral state, between meditation and sleep; to consciously cross that threshold, and as you practice yoga you will find yourself crossing that threshold more and more often, consciously.

Runtime: 59min

The Grace of Intent

When you tune into the infinite expansion and contraction, when you allow yourself to feel that within yourself, it creates the double helix, right and left, Ida-Pingala waves, and in the center of those wave is your pathway of light and consciousness. It’s always the frequency of the vibration between large small, right left, light and dark. The frequency of the contrast determines your life. This is how you judge, this is how you deal with being a yogi. You change your frequency to match the frequency that you’re trying to tune into.

Runtime: 64min

Kundalini Yoga with Sata Nam

Just be in tune with your own body. It’s called Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of awareness. Its when you know how to keep yourself flexible in your spine and its to know also when you do need to go and get some assistance in putting humpy together again.

Runtime: 62min

Explorers of the Uncharted Regions of Consciousness

Just when you think it’s the hardest in your life, just when you’re very irritated, take that moment of the most stress and remind yourself, with your breath, that you’re an infinite being in this awesome outrages life where beauty, consciousness, and the wonder of it all is there for you to experience. Be kind to yourself, take that moment during the day, to remind yourself, and you’ll find that as you do, these moments will become more and more frequent, until you, with every breath you take, will remind yourself of that state of consciousness. And it becomes natural, just as natural as breathing.

Runtime: 56min

Come Back to Your Diaphragm

The primitive ego going thru the reptilian brain can force its way into the gates of heaven, but it can’t live there and it doesn’t belong there and it feels insecure there. So the changing of the reptilian brain into the higher centers creates a personality that feels graceful and lives on the infinite horizon as a place of birthright. This is what we do, creating that personality, that software, that feels at home in the presence of the universal spirit.

Runtime: 65min

The Attributes of Consciousness Become the Consciousness Itself

The primitive ego going thru the reptilian brain can force its way into the gates of heaven, but it can’t live there and it doesn’t belong there and it feels insecure there. So the changing of the reptilian brain into the higher centers creates a personality that feels graceful and lives on the infinite horizon as a place of birthright. This is what we do, creating that personality, that software, that feels at home in the presence of the universal spirit.


Working on the Glandular System

As a yogi make yourself visible on a horizon of infinity. Place yourself on that endless horizon where time itself does not exist, where space goes into the horizon itself and its just you in this human form filled with light and radiance and all around you is beauty and consciousness.


Wish Fullfillment

The idea in Kundalini Yoga is to create a personality that allows you to crossover the border between conscious and super conscious. It’s a personality that has very little weight in this world, yet it takes care of business. It allows you to remain wakeful in your dream state and it requires energy, and it requires discipline. By doing these exercises with the breathing will give you the energy and discipline. When you carry yourself over to the other side and consciously enter the dream state, the shared subconscious of all of us, the responsibility is great. You become influential in that state of consciousness. It requires service and humility. The idea is to raise thru the higher centers of consciousness and to elevate the entire planet and all of humanity.


Balancing Sun and Moon Energies

There are the lazes and there are the crazies and somewhere in the middle is where you need to be. So don’t be lazy but don’t be a fanatic. Find that middle path that gives you a balanced joyful life. And remember in each breath, place yourself on that infinite horizon where there is no mother, no father, no sister, and no brother. It’s just you and infinity.


Keeping Up

When you dive into the spiritual realms, it’s very easy to lose yourself. The idea is to create a personality, an ego sense that can exist in that sub-conscious realm. That you can walk in that state of awareness where every vibration and every sound echoes into infinity. It’s like falling in love, it requires that you fall into it. With each breath you remember who you are. With each breath you give thanks for consciousness, for life. With each breath inhale truth and follow your breath. The infinite spaces between the breaths are the infinite spaces between the sounds and notes that are played. Between these spaces are the realms that you must dive into.


Overriding the Time Sequence

It’s the intensity of the search that determines the outcome, it’s the intensity of your longing that brings the lover, and it’s the intensity of your devotion that makes the connection. There is a real consciousness that’s beyond this dream and to make that connection into the real consciousness requires that intensity. You have to give yourself over to it. You have to find the zone where you participate yet your ego is not. You’ve trained yourself, you’ve trained your consciousness, you’ve observed the energy flows in this body and now you can be a part of it. You have to continually remind yourself of that connection. The intensity of the search determines the success.


Antithesis of Philosophy

In this human form you have access to multi-dimensional consciousness. The material plane you live is one aspect of this human form. The dream state is another aspect that we all share. Then there is the casual state, the state were the souls of consciousness live together, where that saints of all mythologies hang out. In that state of consciousness the white light of the universe shines down, illuminating, and everyone sings and dances the praises of that white light.



The reward for practicing yoga is just like love. It has its ideal in shared consciousness, in shared awareness. When you’re on a spiritual path you’ll find that your growth is limited to the growth of the people around you, of your society that you live in, of the state of consciousness that you’re trying to live in. This is the reward of yoga or spiritual awareness. It’s a shared awareness always. Its not a treasure you can hide. Its not something you store away. Yet, it is, something you cherish and protect.


Stability on the Earth Plane

In the realm of truth is where the true essence lives, the real thing. All the archetypes of consciousness, the god and goddess, Indris, Shiva’s, all the different aspects of god consciousness, whatever philosophy or religion that you wish to use as your mythology. In this realm is where this mythology begins, in this realm of consciousness the truth is the light.


Always Come Back to Your Breath

We’re strengthening the nervous system, purifying and cleaning the nadis, the subtle nervous channels. Allowing yourself to be strong, allowing yourself to be relating to the light within. The light merges with the light. This is not an intellectual exercise, its not a philosophical point, its real. It’s the only thing you have to do in this life.


Experiencing Infinity in this Body

It’s never what you do in life, it’s the consciousness you bring to it, and it’s how you do it. Whatever you are doing in this life take the time to remember your breath. At that moment that you remember your breath you overcome lifetimes of darkness. Just a few long deep breaths, centering yourself, remembering the light within and expressing that light throughout your day.


Overcoming the Five Obstacles

In Kundalini Yoga you gain the technology to overcome the five obstacles. The idea that you can change the flow of energy in your body, and you can gain control of your consciousness enough to redirect the energy from your lower centers to your higher centers of consciousness. The idea is the alchemy of changing the base to the sublime.


Choose the Narrative Well

It’s the combination of the biological and psychological programming which need to mesh into some kind of coherent narrative. Set your attributes well, what would you like to have in your life, healthiness, happiness, joy, compassion, shared life, harmony into the future where our children’s children can live in that light of consciousness. The narrative that we tell ourselves becomes the driving force in the stories of our life.


Having the Energy of Life at Your Disposal

You must have an ego, a self-identification to live in this world. You must train yourself to have that graceful state of consciousness, the attitude of gratitude, that lets you be aware and yet live in humility, that lets you be conscious and yet give service to the higher self within you. It’s a very sharp path and you must approach it with your head in your hand. But when you do so then you walk in the mind of God.


The Beginning of Meditation

By practicing yoga powers come to you, everything that you wish you can have, pretty much, but your ego gets involved at that point. And if you haven’t pre-programmed yourself to dissipate ego into devotion, into service, then you become a demon. Then the ring of power comes and you take it as opposed to diminishing and letting the will of the universe flow thru you. It’s ok to have an ego but it’s a constant programming of that personality to be diminished in the long run. You build yourself up only to surrender.


It is Always Thru the Heart That the Real Path is Shown

This class is for vitality, for channeling the life force, the prana, thru all the chakras and to become vital luminous being. Health goes along with vitality. And of course, by manifesting yourself thru the chakras you automatically heal yourself and balance out your energy. Not to say that you won’t serve the karmas of this life, but it’s the attitude that you serve them with that determines the success of this life. So have the attitude of gratitude for each breath.


A Multi-Dimensional Narrative

In the central channel, the Sushumna, is where everything happens. Establishing the visualization and practical application is yoga. We are creating the structural integrity of a visionary consciousness that allows this movement as an elevator thru the chakras. Each chakra has a vibrational frequency. You learn to control the energy emanations from these different openings. You set the navel and automatically the energy moves into the heart center. You feel that warmth opening up, that compassion, that selflessness within the self. The idea of connectivity of consciousness that this is all one talking to itself, messing with itself, killing itself, making love with itself over and over again. And the nature of the consciousness is looking for a principle in the play of consciousness.


Bringing Physical and Mental Prosperity

As we know by working the internet, there is an amazing number of channels of information available. Its all a manner of programming in the right commands to get there. Very much so is consciousness in levels and ways to be conscious. Learning how to command your body and your breath to find the channels to open to you of your inner life is the purpose of yoga. The exercises the breath, everything adds to that.


Expansion and Contraction of Your Aura

The mechanics of kundalini yoga are relatively simple. We gather the energy, we visualize the pathway of the energy, we seal off the lower centers so the energy doesn’t get wasted, and then it naturally flows upward. As spiritual beings you have the control and consciousness to conserve the energy when it’s necessary to conserve and to use the energy when it’s necessary to use.


Find That Space Between the Breaths

We still have personalities; we still have egos, and we still deal with each other, and we have bodies that we manifest through. But we create those personalities that live in joy, that live in wonder, that can express the infinite horizon. This is where all art music and poetry come from are the personalities that live on the edge of that consciousness, the frontier, and can take that information to the frontier and give the guiding idea back to the consciousness that we all share.

Runtime: 70min

Subconscious Bowing

The downward flow of new energy through the body grounds any negative forces. Grounding lowers mental frequencies to correspond with the slow magnetic pulse of the earth, bringing mind and body into balance with the earth itself. The emotional experience of absolute fearlessness and unconquerable power creates a space of peacefulness and timelessness.


The Dynamic Balance of the Polar Opposites

You have to have the experience in this body of the truth of the light of consciousness, of the possibility of the different openings of dimensional consciousness. You must take that chance. Because this body form, this archetype form, that you’ve taken the time to grow, thru the DNA following this path of incarnations. So, the time is now to experience it. If you don’t do it now, it will be too late.


The Grace of Consciousness

Nothing around you but infinite consciousness, nothing around you but infinite horizons. You’re supported just by the grace of consciousness. Above you the infinite sky, light all around, the music of the spheres, all the heavenly choirs, all the gods and goddesses, saints, sages thru all times are here. This is the consciousness of those who devote their lives to truth. This is your consciousness.


Run Your Life With Your Diaphragm

If you allow the breath to take over your consciousness, and then be with your breath, long and deep, then tune your body into your breath consciously, then you overcome time and space. You’ve mastered this body and you’ve mastered your mind which is the most important thing, because this biocomputer of the mind always likes to think it’s the master.


Kundalini Basics

Gathering the energy is the first part in kundalini yoga. Having the intent of consciousness, the direction of this energy becomes the primal directive. The tendency is gravity and gravity always flows downward, it pulls you down and we’re always overcoming that, we’re continually reversing that flow by centering ourselves, gathering the energy and starting this evolutionary cycle back to all the incarnations, going from primal single cells, all the way up to the animals, all the way up to this human incarnation and then going beyond that into the formless itself. This connection is always present. So the intent of consciousness is to experience itself in the fullness thru all these possibilities.


How to Change the Frequency of Your Consciousness with a Thought

You have access to the entire elevator of the kundalini, from the base chakra all the way to the crown center, and all the manifestations in between are your birthright in consciousness itself. When the kundalini gets stuck in any one chakra it becomes a perversion and distraction. The crown center is the gateway out of this gravity well we are all stuck in. It requires that you elevate your consciousness and that you seal off the lower centers without frustrating yourself and becoming perverted. It’s a process in applied psychology, and you must go thru it.


The Practical Application of God Consciousness

Find a way to be comfortable and healthy in your body without being fanatic. Find a way to be graceful in your life without being crazy. Find a way to be religious without religion. Find a discipline that you can relate to that gives you peace and joy that’s yours alone. We respect each other as parts of ourselves in consciousness but we bow to no man. We bow to the light within each person but never to the ego, never to a particular path or a particular teacher. We’re all interchangeable we’re all the same light. No one has a franchise on consciousness.


The Experience of Consciousness

This is what we have to offer you. This is the idea of yoga. We’re making ourselves strong enough to revitalize the currents of life within this body, so we can open our minds and souls to the potential of the infinite universe that we live in. Otherwise, we just become sheep, we become part of the dream of consciousness that everyone is involved in, unless we pull ourselves out of that dream to see the potential with every breath.


Vitality and the Resurrection of Your Aura

Once you begin the spiritual path that you have begun there’s no getting off. There are resting places, places of shelter, but you always go back and you’re always ascending. You’ll make mistakes but you will continue on. The only mistake that’s fatal is when you turn off to your inner self and don’t follow your inner light.

Runtime: 58min

Elevation of the Soul to the Infinite Realms

We gather energy in life and then we give it away. The idea is that we lift the consciousness around us and create a future for the generations coming that’s uplifted and hopeful, that lives in joy and has the potential to live in love. Giving that hope to the future is really what we do.

Runtime: 62min

Gathering and Balancing Everyday Life

It’s nice to have the mental idea of oneness, but the life of that, and the living of that idea is what we want, where every breath becomes the beauty, the grace, the wonder, and the celebration of that consciousness. The stronger you get the more balanced you get the more of that beauty manifests around you. Beauty attracts beauty and consciousness attracts consciousness. When you live in that grace the intent of your entire being becomes that light and everyone you meet responds to that light.

Runtime: 54min

The Nobility of Spirit

The idea in yoga is to experience your consciousness and be aware of your energy flow thru the different centers of consciousness. Lust, anger, greed and attachment are the first centers of awareness. The Muladhara the first center, the second center (sexual) and the third center (solar plexus) the earth plane. To achieve nobility and gracefulness you have to go thru the heart center.

Runtime: 71min

The Cave of Consciousness

Go deep inside and just feel your body, be conscious of it. Just feel how the energy has changed, the tinkling, the aspects of light floating around you. Look inside yourself and see your aura. See it expanding outwards to your arm’s length. Feel the golden white light surrounding you and feel that light coming down from the top of your head that illuminates everything. This is the beginning of the fractal universe, this is the way in and the way out, this is the alpha and omega.

Runtime: 63min

Creating a Balanced Flow of Energy

Life is a balance. Sometimes its two steps forward and one step back sometimes its two steps back then one step forward. But it is continuing a motion, its not static. By doing kundalini yoga you change the energy flow in your body, and it actually causes changes to happen. By doing the positions with the breath you’ll cleanse yourself and open new ways of thinking. You’ll open the higher centers of consciousness automatically and effortlessly. That’s the gift of this yoga.

Runtime: 72min

The Dynamic of Polarity

In the dynamic between large and small you’ll feel as you get close to that event horizon a sound current going on, it’s almost like a drumming sound itself. Between the breaths the pathway becomes illuminated and you’re able to follow yourself in and all of a sudden you’re in the awakened dream. This is how consciousness manifests in this human form. These portals are there for you to use, but you have to have that dynamic and you have to be so fearless as not to be torn apart by that dynamic. You and your self-consciousness cannot exist in those forms of energy between infinitely small and infinitely large. That black hole, that vortex of consciousness will eat you up. But what’s there that is always left for you is that stability of consciousness that relates to its own truth within. That part is always there because that’s who you are.

Runtime: 60min

The Light Within

If you change your frequency of vibrational force, if you change the first three lower centers to the heart center and you take all the passion in life and bring it to your heart then that passion becomes compassion. You will have the feeling of unity with everything, and you will be living for each other rather than at each other. This is the Christ Consciousness.

Runtime: 66min

Venus Kriyas Balance of Consciousness

When doing Venus Kriyas we get to balance the magnetic field with someone else’s magnetic field. When the two magnetic fields resonate together the Kundalini is amplified, the energy is focused, and the balance of the left and right hemispheres become much defined. This changes the way your being normally processes energy and light and gives these new energy channels a way to open up.

Runtime: 61min

Rejuvenation of Your Auric Personality

Try to find the peacefulness and quietness within that lets you be conscious without editorializing that consciousness. Think of it as rebooting your personal computer. Letting your mind get rid of all the stuff that’s accumulated over the day and lifetime itself and letting it clear out so the main program which runs all our individual programs can shine thru. That the inner light within all of us has a chance to express itself.

Runtime: 77min

Health is Your Birthright

How we perceive the universe and how we direct the energy in this human form is what makes us unique, bright, and radiant. You have to figure that health is your birthright, that having this body work properly, your hardware, is your birthright. And having a somewhat sane operating system, your software, is also your birthright. In yoga we try to refine this by getting the hardware and software to work gracefully together and we try to define an intent of consciousness and that intent is the awakening of consciousness itself.

Runtime: 58min

A Basic Cleansing Set

You are creating a personality that can exist in the godly realms, and in the human realms. The personality that is you, that is the sum total of your life to this date and will be focused more and more to your spiritual essence. This is the evolution of yoga. You will change. Your lifestyle will change, and your friends will change.

Runtime: 50min

Be With Your Breath

You can make things as complexed as you wish in this yoga, but simplicity really carries the day. The idea is to gather the prana, to gather the life force to have a straight spine, to take that prana and to join it together at the base chakra, the Muladhara, and begin that evolutionary cycle, the twin breaths, back up the spine, and to sit in the center of that swirling energy of consciousness and allow yourself to be uplifted, allow the kundalini to awaken, allow the centers of consciousness, the portals of awareness to open. To find an ego that is free enough to do that, to find a self-worth consciousness that is small enough and yet infinite. This is the job of yoga.

Runtime: 59min

Evaluating Your Self Worth

Meditation is not an intellectual idea of sitting and watching a rive go by. Meditation is slipping in that state of consciousness between your breath so you can fall into that space consciously, of your dreams. You must be able to make that transition, you must be able to wake up into your dream state, otherwise this life is just an intellectual exercise, and it is a dream then.

Runtime: 72min

Understanding the God Within

In Kundalini yoga we gather the energy, we direct the energy, we focus our mind and breathe together and finally we leave our minds behind and we enter the light of consciousness. We go to a space that no words can describe, there’s just the underlining sound of consciousness that makes up the entire universe, that standing wave of awareness between infinitely large and infinitely small, and in that vibrational frequency between those two extremes lies the pathway of consciousness.

Runtime: 57min


A disciple is one who practices a discipline. Be a disciple of your inner truth, of the inner light. The discipline that you practice Is the radiance of your inner light. Always giving that to precedence, always bringing that to the forefront. The God within, the light within, is just remembering with each breath.

Runtime: 70min

Between the Breath Lies the Pathway

Once you start going within and watching your breath and seeing how hard it is to control your mind. Once you get an inkling that it is possible to control the energies in this body and this body is really a form of experiencing higher forms of awareness. Once you understand that this is possible then that goal becomes overwhelming and everything else falls to the side. All the gems and jewels outside don’t glitter for you anymore, because those that are within yourself are so much more beautiful and radiant.

Runtime: 61min

Attitude of Gratitude

We cultivate the attitude of gratitude in our consciousness. The idea is that with each breath there is a grace and there is a thankfulness and a wonder and a joy. Its when we forget the attitude of gratitude is when we fall into the ego and fear-based consciousness. So, make it a meditation in this class to be conscious of every breath, if you can. And as your mind starts to wander bring it back to your breath with an attitude of gratitude.

Runtime: 69min

Kundalini A Real Time Holistic Event

When you get tired enough of the dance of life, when you’ve gone thru it enough times, when the drama no longer has the attraction for you, when the glittery sparkly universe outside becomes somewhat boring then you are ready to make that transition to the spiritual life, but until then you have to go back and forth. Everything you do towards your spiritual life now, making connections with your higher self, pays off in the long run, but you have to let the material world go. It’s not so much that you don’t participate and work out your karmas, you do, and you just have a certain vantage point, a freedom as it were, from them. You do all this by practicing your breath.

Runtime: 55min

Become Your Breath

When you’re in that exalted state of consciousness where every motion, every breath, where every sound nuance has meaning. In that state of consciousness every angle that you do in this yoga matters. Every posture has its point of consciousness to it. Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of correct angles and relationships. So do your best to do the angles that you can.

Runtime: 59min

The Way Out is Within

We’re all servants of the one light, but we’re servants of no person. Always be true to the light within yourself and take those teachings were ever you can find them. There’s no great teacher or anything like that, it’s only your inner light talking to yourself. It’s always God talking to God. That’s what you’ll come to see. As this universe talks to you, it’s just the universe talking to itself.

Runtime: 67min

Strengthening the Abdomin

Do what you can but don’t hurt yourself. This is somewhat of a strenuous class. Tune into your own bodies and do as good as you can. Each exercise is 2 minutes.
The mind is the computer that you use. The programming that you put into is the results of the environment and the consciousness that you subject yourself to. Why is it so important to put yourself around like minded people? It is to raise your vibration and change your circumstance so you have the support in your life to uplift your spirituality.

Runtime: 66min

Turning the Passion of Life Into Compassion

The Buddhists have a saying, that life is like falling in a well. When you realize that you’re falling in that well of consciousness, you realize how short life is and how precious life is. The only thing you can do is praise the creator and the creation and understand the beauty and the awesomeness of the universe around you and to live and walk in that beauty. Most important is to remember, always bring yourself back to your breath and always bring yourself to that horizon of infinity.

Runtime: 57min

There is no Difference Between You and the Light of God

There’s an underlying sound vibration, and if you can catch that underlying sound vibration and if you can attach your conscious ego, as small as it may be, to it, you’re uplifted automatically and it takes you on this ride to the inter dimensional consciousness, all the way up to the top of the head, to the crown chakra, the thousand pedaled lotus, where the light of the universe shines down. The idea of this class is to make your personality so seamless that your light merges in that light effortlessly without fear. There is no difference between you and the light of God.

Runtime: 73min

Gathering and Preserving Prana

As we focus the mind on the single intention of gathering energy and silencing the mind we allow ourselves the ability to transcend unconsciousness. Full of prana to sustain us we are able to go beyond the limitations of the mind and body. This is where real meditation starts.

We can sit and chant for hours, but unless we have the strength and willpower to maintain the conscious state of being we all slip back into the dream state. Keep Up.

Runtime: 63min

Breathing and Consciousness

By practicing yoga you’ll achieve all sorts of powers. Its just the natural progression of consciousness. Somehow you must be trained or train yourself not to be tempted by the powers, not to be tempted by the ego. Self-policing is the hardest thing to do, almost impossible. Therefore, we do as a group together. We act as checks and balances to each other. We see the light reflected in each other. When that light is distorted by ego its our duty and joy to call that distortion to the attention to the person. There’s no one who is greater than another. We’re the same breath the same light.

Runtime: 58min

The Level of Perfection is the Level of Balance

It’s the little subtleties in life that affect us. They are cumulative, they add up. By working with the movements and the breath you change those subtleties back. You make this form again whole. You stretch all the different acupuncture points, the meridians, you bring them back aligned. This is how it works. Otherwise the subtleties of consciousness, the subtleties of holding yourself, a little cut you might get on your finger, even those small things affect the meridians and how the body gathers and collects the energy of life itself.

Runtime: 65min

Balance, Harmony, Compassion

The least you’ll get from yoga is a healthy body. One that works properly, for you, and that’s just step one. Teaching your mind to be balanced and sub-servient to you, your soul. This is step two. Quieting the mind, listening to your breath, and finding the deeper sounds within, step three. Step four is unifying all of your whole being in pursue of the radiance within you.

Runtime: 74min

The Journey Back to the Moment of Your Own Creation

So this is the journey we take in consciousness. It’s always the same journey for everyone, back to the moment of your own creation. The idea is in mediation you quiet your mind, and you find that essence, the part of yourself that existed before you were born, that existed as a state of consciousness. It’s like that Zen Koan, what was your face before you were born. The idea that you have part of you, the essence of you, the inner light, that is internal, that has always been here, that’s always been conscious. Making that connection with that inner light, the consciousness that you really are is what yoga is all about.

Runtime: 62min

Walking in the Mind of God

When you start the spiritual journey you embark upon that path has no ending and its destination constantly recedes from you as you closer to it. The landmarks on which you need to take on this journey change according to the person. There are no set rules. Basic ideas, consciousness of humility, service and love. Those are the basic requirements of this journey.

Runtime: 78min

Giving Yourself the Blessing of a Spiritual Path

Real basic simple exercises are all you need. You can make yoga as complicated you as you wish, so many possible asanas and postures and thousands of kriyas. But in reality you need to establish a few that work for your body and do those regularly. Tune in to your body and do them when you need to do them, when you feel your body becoming out of tune with your spiritual self. When you make that connection with your inner lite it’s relatively easy to always go back to it, as long as you have that practice that you continually do.

Runtime: 64min

Love, The Selfless Feeling Within Ourselves

Try to catch yourself in the moments of everyday life and just for those few seconds bring yourself to the infinite horizon. This is the essence of a spiritual journey, where each breath each movement each sound each moment of your consciousness is walking on that infinite cliff where on both sides of that knifes edge is infinitely up or down and you walk that path, every second that’s always there. But we get caught up in the everyday consciousness. But sometimes just try to catch it and you’ll be amazed that’s its always there with your breath. God is that close.

Runtime: 78min

On the Cutting Edge of Consciousness

Using this body as a conduit of energy follow your breath. As you breathe in thru both nostrils, fill both the breaths coming in and visualize them to the base of your spine to the Mooladhara assuming that the spinal column is a conduit for this energy. As both breaths meet at the base you visualize the spiraling energy on both sides of your spine. This is the same template that carries thru all of life, but you’re sitting in the center of that now using this body as a channel for your consciousness, learning the ways to activate the kundalini, the centers of consciousness, the dimensions, the realms and ultimately the light of the universe itself.

Runtime: 59min

Gathering Energy

Breath of fire is a cleansing breath, purifying and energizing and of course just by its name it creates heat. Instead of falling into the collective unconscious, try to rise above, try to experience those levels that are beyond this earthly realm that are real and yet accessible, from your breath, by staying awake and yet falling asleep, crossing that threshold of sleep and wake conscious, sort of like dying while staying alive.

Runtime: 65min

Discerning Intellect of the Yogic Form

Alignment of the magnetic field and self interpretation of the symptoms of discomfort, redirecting the flow of prana (life force) with Mulbandh, and sealing the lower triangle (locking the first three centers).

Runtime: 64min

To Bridge the Conscious to the Subconscious

All the things of value are found within. All the appreciation of the wonders of the universe start within. Without that joy of life within, none of the outward jewels and rubies, money, none of it matters, and none of it certainly has any value. Its always within and then without.

Runtime: 75min

Kundalini Foundations

You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Runtime: 66min

Gaining Access to the Threshold of Sleep and Wakefulness

In that state of consciousness where there is no mother or father, brother or sister, there is just the essence, that’s where we enter thru the door to the super conscious. As CEO of this body, you have a certain ego, a certain self-identity which is required but that stays with the body. The essence goes to the essence.

Runtime: 72min

Life Long Secrets of the Basics

Pranayama is not just mechanical, it has a heart component. Just like a relationship, if you ignore someone they ignore you, but if you create an interest in someone then there is an energy flow that goes back and forth. In pranayama you’re doing the breathing but you’re also remembering that this oxygen molecule that you’re taking into your body came thru billions of years of evolution and amazing experimentation. It’s the total epiphany of I CAN. All the blocks that have tried to stop this evolution, then finally the ingeniousness of creation giving you the ability to exchange gases with trees. The remembrance of this and developing the appreciation of this is what opens up the pranayama.

Runtime: 63min

Basic Mechanics of Kundalini Yoga

To cross the boundary between life and death in consciousness in a deep meditative trance state requires that you shrink your personality down very small. But yes, there will be a thread of consciousness left, and somehow that thread will carry across. Will use sound to carry it across (mantra). Its like sitting on a sine wave, a carrier wave, you just hook on to it and let it carry you across. Then you begin the meditative experience.

Runtime: 40min

A Temporary Ego

God and me are one! The trinity of creation, sustainability and dissolution. Balance of right and left hemispheres of the brain creating a balance of quiet neutrality creating the harmonic balance of mind and body

Runtime: 76min

Stability in Consciousness Thru Time

Whether you’re wealthy or poor, these are all aspects of your life that you have to go thru. Each carries its own problems. But the idea is that you go thru life, and you take the time. And that’s all you really have here is time itself between each breath. So, take the time to observe the breath, take the time to gather the energy, take the time to seal off the lower centers. Experience the higher realms of consciousness.

Runtime: 74min

Creating a Personality That’s Disposable

The human form becomes a representation of your consciousness and your consciousness is an explorer on that infinite horizon of possibility. Your life becomes that dance of consciousness that’s a sacrifice to that stage of consciousness of the infinite universe. How beautiful and outrageous is this. Your life becomes a celebration of that consciousness, and your only thought is how can I serve that consciousness, how can I merge more into that lite. Your ego becomes huge but almost transparent because it merges off into that infinite self and it becomes the lite itself.

Runtime: 65min

Awakening Within the Dream of Life

Exploring the pathways of energy (consciousness), keeping the intent (love) as the prime directive on this journey. Visualizing the kundalini elevator and opening the chakras (portals) of inter-dimensional awareness! The thousand petal lotus!

Runtime: 72min

The Reminder to Tune Into Your Higher Self

As you follow your breath and you’re just on the edge of sleep, try to stay just barely conscious. You have to let go of a lot of ego yet you have to hold on to the essence, and that’s when you use the mantra Sat Nam. That sound vibration can carry across that portal, that doorway and that’s the science of Nad Yoga. Nad is the sound current, that vibrational frequency that carries you past this conscious identity self into your real self. That’s why they use it as a mantra.

Runtime: 75min

The Potential of the Human Spirit

This class is about the possibility of awakening in this dream. The positions, the mudras the pranayama all add to that equation which allows you to experience the truth of consciousness within your own self. This is the essence of kundalini yoga. We’re here to share with you 40 years of practice that these things have worked for us. And we can tell you from our direct experience the truth.

Runtime: 70min

Healing the Physical and Emotional Bodies

Train yourself to keep this breath long and deep. Train yourself to visualize the energy flowing this way. This is an infinite universe we live in. There are very few landmarks, very few guideposts, but this is the one that exists for you. Distractions are infinite, follow your breath. Train yourself to have this visualization.